Living with Purpose - The Power of Intention
In a world of distractions and unending to-do lists, intentionality brings purpose and clarity. Intentionality means living with purpose and making choices that reflect our values and goals. Philosophers, authors, and thought-leaders have discussed this basic life philosophy throughout history. Our website has many be intentional quotes. Read more now on phrase passion

Living intentionally--what does that mean? Answers are as diverse as the seekers. Some say it's mindfulness and presence, being present in the moment. Some people focus on setting goals and pursuing their dreams with dedication. Being intentional is taking charge of your life rather than watching.
The words of famous people show intention. Mahatma Ghandi, for example, said, "Live like you're going to die tomorrow." "Learn as if you will live forever." This quote encapsulates intentionality--treating every day as if it were your last and full of joy and learning.
The poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou wrote, "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." Angelou's remarks reminds us that intentionality means living a life filled with passion, empathy and humor. It is not just about achieving goals.
Personal development author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek advises starting with our 'why.' Knowing our motivations, he believes, is crucial to living a meaningful and fulfilling life. He uses his 'why" to guide him through the difficulties and choices of life.
Leadership and business offer a different perspective. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, says: "If you do not understand your business in detail you will fail." This insight is not only applicable to business, but also life. Understanding the details of our lives is essential to making intentional choices that will lead to success and fulfilment. This includes our values, abilities, and limitations.
Intentionality is also a part of literature. Dumbledore said in Harry Potter that "Our choices, Harry show who we are far more than what we can do." This section emphasizes choice, a key component of intentional living.
Intentionality's transforming power may be its most appealing aspect. We improve our lives and the world when we act on our values and goals. It's all about living a life that is meaningful and has an impact.