Online Commodity Trading means trading in commodities market
Online Commodity Trading is trading on the commodities market. Commodity trading is essentially investing in commodities market activities. Commodities can be anything.

Demand and supply are the forces of the market that affect commodity trading. Silver, for example, was initially available at an extremely low price. Silver's price is now higher than gold due to its increased demand. The demand-supply forces indirectly also affect the commodities market.
Commodity Trading is not to be confused with Stock Market Trading. This is because even though, they both are related to trading, the basic distinguishing factor is the thing that is traded. Commodities markets are concerned with commodities such as food grains and stocks and shares.
Online Commodity Trading is very convenient. Online features simplify the trading process. Online, you can purchase and sell commodities. If you wish, you can hire a broker online. You don t have to physically approach a firm for doing so. Online applications offer a lot of advantage. Their service costs are also lower.
Commodity Trading has a benefit of easy liquidity. Since the speculators are involved in the market, their force is very strong. The commodity market is very liquid, which is an advantage. It is difficult to know how liquid the market really is. The type of contract between the buyer and seller is the only factor that matters.
Commodity Trading has the advantage of leverage. Leverage helps to trade on a margin. It means that the total value of the trading, whatever it is, can be pain partially in cash. A small portion of the total value is required to be deposited in your trading account. Also, in commodity markets one can sell the futures contract with ease. Also, they are easy to purchase. The ease of purchase helps in generating a high margin.